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(416) 232 - 1900

Relationships are BUILT when patients and the dentist communicate with each other.

Dr. Choo will listen to all your dental concerns, both past and present. She will spend the time and energy to get to know each individual because everyone presents with slightly different needs.

Relationships are FOSTERED when there is mutual care, trust and respect.

Dr. Choo really cares for and respects the needs of her patients – trying to eliminate the fear and anxiety so often associated with dental treatment. Dr. Choo will earn your trust not just your business. In return, clients are encouraged to voice their main concerns, ask questions, and to keep an open mind.

Relationships are ONGOING COMMITMENTS to deliver the best possible service.

Dr. Choo takes a lot of pride in her work, and enjoys providing the best treatment for everyone. She is committed to carrying out the high standards and the high ethics of the dental profession.

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